Mezzo DSA (Danger Service Agency) A 3 disc complete collection of 13 episodes in the fun action anime series
from Anime Wild Guy - Yasuomi Umetsu. About the deadly trio: Kurokawa -ex-cop, Harada and martial arts girl
killer Mikura "The Orange Woman" , who accepts the most dangerous missions, against mucho dineros.
Japanese TV series from 2003 and a continuation (of sorts) from the earlier Mezzo Forte, but without the hardcore.

Disc 1 - episode 1-5: Shell of Love/Shell of Stars/Shell of Fear/Shell of Lies, Posi och Shell of Lies, Nega (Mikura
meets an old friend - good episode)

Disc 2 - episode 6-9: Shell of Memories (Harada meets Manon and remembers the past - good episode)/Shell of
Sorrow/Shell of Thoughts/Shell of Dreams

Disc 3 - episode 10-13: Shell of the Cursed/Shell of Illusion/Shell of Origin/Shell of Destruction
(225 min in total) and with the much talked about intro and the amazing power pop outro
