A very cool video clips collection with all of Judy and Mary's video-singles (83 minutes) 16 long versions and 9 shorter one's.
JAM was formed 1992 by the charismatic and multi-talented singer Yuki Isoya (born 1972) and their debut was the fine "Power
of Love", and then you can see them all here, one after the other, "Daydream" - a classic pop song!, Lover Soul and many more.
The group were known för their fun, smart and catchy guitar-pop/rock songs and they were spectacular Live, much due to the
Extremely eye-catching and Gorgeous Yuki (the Debbie Harry á la 70's Blondie of Japan). Unfortunately the group disbanded in
2001, the members went on to new projects as The Robots and Yuki started a quite successful Solo career with the albums
Prismic (2002) and Commune (2003) and singles as Sentimental Journey, Home Sweet Home and Joy.

The very ambitious and visually colorful videos of her singles can be seen in her 2005 DVD with collected stuff. Yuki has also been
writing books and collaborated with the japanese icon, singer-songwriter-actress Chara in their project "Mean Machine"
