The rich NY couple Jennifer (Katharine Ross) and Paul (James Caan) Montgomery
are having esoteric parties for their High Society friends. Jennifer
owns the house
and is the rich one in the couple. She's naive and kindhearted and when
a sales lady
of perfumes and lotions feigns a faint she invites her to stay in her
house until she's
feeling well again. The old lady, Lisa Schindler (Simone Signoret),
tells Jennifer a
sob story and we understand that she's some sort of a scammer.
The couple are eccentric and when mrs. Schindler, in
an exotic french accent, tells
them weird stories with an old world tinge to them, they are fascinated,
as rabbits
in front of a Cobra. The charismatic woman also likes to play "Games"
and the couple
is in on it, but when a prank goes horribly wrong Paul shoots the delivery
The film is presented in widescreen 2.35:1 with english
audio DD 2.0 and with
english subtitles. Extras a theatrical trailer, credit text and a picture