Charlton Heston ? This may be his film debut and he's perfectly OK in
the role
even though i often found him to be a wooden actor. Yeah, he's good
here, he is.
Heston managed to take part in some really cool movies as "Touch
of Evil", where
he helped genius director Orson Welles to yet again make a film with
a decent
budget, and in a big spectacle as "The Ten Commandments" or
the ci-fi adventure
classic "Planet of the Apes".
In this film we also get to see the genre icon Lizabeth Scott and our
own swedish
film export, the beautiful Viveca Lindfors.

Above pic: US Olive Films - Paramount DVD edition
Depressed ex-military Dan Haley
(Heston) moves in the shady areas of society
and he runs a Bookmaker and cart playing business along with 2 small
time crooks
Barney (Ed Begley) and Augie (Jack Webb) and with some help also from
or Punchy (Henry Morgan). Their "establishment" is raided
by the police and Dan
and his buddies are suddenly broke and in a bad need of money.
Then, Arthur (Don Defore) turns up, a businessman from Los Angeles with
pockets full of cash. Dan meets Arthur in a nightclub where Dan's girlfriend
(Lizabeth Scott) can be
heard singing with her husky voice (is that Lizabeth
singing for real, yes it is). Dan lures naive Arthur to a rigged poker
game with
Barney and Augie, and they skin him for everything he's got , and then
some more.
Lizabeth Scott (1922-2014)in another Film Noir as
an iconic femme fatale
OK, so now Dan and his friends have some money, but
poor Arthur does not
and takes his life, hangs himself. What our unlikeable "heroes"
don't know is
that Arthur has a psychopathic brother who's looking for them, to revenge
people responsible for his brother's death.
Heston is good and so are Begley and Webb as his
brothers in crime. Scott is
only OK as Dan's girlfriend (she's too clinging and he should've went
for Viveca
instead). Dean Jagger as the crime inspector Garvey is bad, and Viveca
as the widow of Arthur's Winant is not that good either.
At this time of Viveca's actress career she acted in Hollywood B movies
and she
was so-so regarding her acting abilities, but she was definitely HOT!
She had a heavy swedish accent she never got rid off in her early Hollywood
films (she arrived to Hollywood in 1946) BUT Viveca did get to be a
stage actress and when older also a fine film actress.
The film is presented in 4: fullscreen original ratio,
black & white, english mono
DTS-HD MA 2.0 audio with english subtitles. Original trailer and a gallery